"Until you make the unconscious, conscious it will rule your life and you will call it fate"
Carl Jung


Based in the wisdom of attachment and developmental theories, the most fundamental work we will do in the psychotherapeutic process is rewiring your attachment system.  Attachment work is done to liberate your life force from survival mode and set you on your way to healing.

Before an individual is securely attached, the anxieties and perceived threat of simply living day-to-day can prevent them from functioning at full capacity, or even sometimes at all.

I use the therapeutic relationship to explore new ways of being in relationship with self and others, build new habits from experiential awareness, and find meaning and purpose. My approach begins with the most basic intention: total acceptance of all aspects of the self.

The ways we learned to navigate and survive early family systems were brilliant in those contexts. However, those old ways were based in insecurity and become limiting overtime. Outdated habits are rigid & restrict our ability to connect with what is present today, which leads to suffering. We will work toward psychological flexibility and secure attachment.


Together we will embark on an inner journey, during which time we will work toward achieving several major tasks:

  • Helping you rewire a secure attachment system, infinitely increasing your capacity for rewarding & stable interpersonal relationships.
  • Get tools to navigate anxiety, depression and other symptoms.
  • Expand your window of tolerance for discomfort.  Consciously shifting your state in the moment is a somatic technology which will regulate your nervous system.  The pause this ability creates will give you choice, agency and control of your decision making processes and end the cycles of reactivity which perpetuate the dumpster fire aspects of life.
  • Come into conscious relationship with, total acceptance of and eventually loving kindness with parts of you that have been exiled since childhood.
  • Truly get to know yourself and dissolve barriers between you and your purpose, giving your life a deep sense of meaning.
  • Through perspective shifting and reframing,  you will understand yourself as the center of your own story and come to see how all that you have been through has created the unique expression that is you.
  • Define your values.
  • Shift from outer authority to inner authority

The Therapy

For the first 4-6 weeks we will meet weekly.  During this time we will establish your therapeutic goals and map the unique obstacles, conditioning and patterns that arise from your personal story.

Months 2-8 we will meet bi-monthly.  Every other week we will explore how your patterns arise in daily life.  You will be assigned skills to work on between sessions.

Months 9-10 we will meet monthly as we begin to bring closure to the therapeutic relationship.

The timing on this schedule is flexible and will be tailored to your specific needs.

The difference between a need for psychotherapy vs coaching correlates to how well the self is formed which is a function of secure attachment and previous developmental work. On the path of self actualization, one needs to have a healthy ego and strong sense of self before challenging it to expand in new ways in the coaching process.

If the self is fragile, splintered and/or undeveloped (a condition many of us face), the challenge of coaching can be detrimental to the developmental process.  While painful things might arise during the coaching process, the coaching client has adequate resources and a secure base from which to deal with what arises ~ within the container of support provided.

Before you can get on with the business of creating a truly high functioning, successful existence (by whatever measures you define success) you must have a solid sense of self.  Herein lies the dividing line.  If you are unsure which platform is best for you see this psychotherapy and coaching article for an in depth description.

If psychotherapy sounds like a good fit for you…